Thursday, January 27, 2011

playing catch-up

You guessed's been another "event-filled" (again, another word I use in place of "crazy") week here.  Let's see...we've had numerous snow-days; some justified, some not-so-much...a still-broken car, a laptop out being repaired another laptop which decided this week was the week to FRY and DIE....a finger (mine) that was slammed in the non-broken car door....etc. etc. etc.) So while I had quite a few recipes I wanted to share one thing or another came up and stole the few free minutes I have to post away.  So today...what is it? the 8th school snow-day we've had since January?? I will be playing catch up with our little baby blog.  Some posts will be just that....a post, no picture, bc even though we now have a digital camera and glorious beautiful, pictures were taken we no longer have a computer to upload them to...Agghhh...this is my life :)  I think I'm long over-due for a nice tropical vacation, no??

So throughout the day I plan to post everything I wanted to post since my last entry...I'm filled with wish-ful thinking today!


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