Sunday, January 16, 2011


There's a post going around Facebook along the lines of: The first five people who comment on this post will receive something handmade by me in 2011. In turn they must post this as their status.

At first I wasn't so keen on the idea...but then I saw the cutest little Sculpey pets made for this by my friend Jeanette. They're really super adorable and I wanted in on it! So I took the bait and within minutes had 5 people who wanted handmade stuff.

Since I just learned to knit and it would take me a century to make 5 of something (not to mention that I'm very selfishly knitting myself a blanket right now) I decided to do what I do best (no, not talk!) BAKE!

Parallel to this Facebook thing I am also in an unofficial and very one sided (mine) baking competition with the wife of a guy who works with my husband. My husband messaged me at work the other day that he had just tasted the best brownies. Seriously? The best? I doubt it but just in case I'd better make some and make them more awesome than anyone else can make them!
I decided to make Cranberry Cinnamon Chip bar cookies from
Our Best Bites and brownie covered Oreos from Picky Palate and they both turned out awesome!

I couldn't find cinnamon chips for the Cranberry Cinnamon Chip Bars so I used double the white chocolate chips suggested and then dusted the coconut layer with cinnamon. Also, I couldn't find cranberries quick enough in the grocery store (Dino was with me and fading fast!) so I bought dried mixed berries and last I substituted almonds for the nuts because that's what we like around here. With all of those changes they still turned out great!

The brownie covered Oreos were the greatest brownies ever that my husband told me about. They're really easy and fun to make. Since I'm shipping them I made them in cupcake wrappers and I used Double Stuff Oreos. I've gotten the thumbs up by both guys tonight so I do believe I win!