Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Hello, I’m Kenyson…and I stalk food blogs. Wait. Back the truck up. I’m not apologizing for this! I rule at stalking food blogs! Let’s get things straight here, Andrea and I aren’t critics, we’re STALKERS. The stalking and not critiquing is born from the fact that we are both full time working moms and we only want to spend time on the good stuff like our kids, food, shopping, music and (oh did I forget to mention) vodka! If we don’t like it we sure as heck aren’t going to take a photo of it or put it on this site. This should be a pretty interesting mix. Andrea not only has a plethora of awesome appetizer recipes but a saucy demeanor as well. She also makes dinners that sound restaurant worthy. I can’t wait to stalk her recipes! I on the other hand am pretty limited by a toddler who goes through phases (this week is noodles and pretzels) and a husband who won’t eat things that grow in the ground, under ground or on a tree. That leaves me with desserts, noodlish things and cocktails. Now back to stalking....

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