Thursday, January 27, 2011

crack in cake form....Nutella Goey Butter Cake

I should be contacting Nutella at this point asking for my pay-check with the amount of advertising I do for this product....if you follow me on facebook you know I go through phases where every single status update is about me dipping something in nutella.  I cannot count how many people have contacted me saying "I ate nutella on a _____ and thought of you!"  or "I was in the store and saw Nutella and had to buy it bc of you!"  or some variation of those two statements....put it this way, I had to perform a Nutella intervention on myself at the end of the summer due to the 5lbs I gained due to my addiction.  So...since then I have been doing okay...I slip up every now and then, allow an indulgence and move on...until Christmas when my Uncle, after seeing my multitude of Facebook posts gave me a nice big jar of crackNutella all wrapped up in a pretty bow. 

A while back during one of my "clean" periods I came across this recipe for Nutella Gooey Butter Cake.  I knew I could NOT make this just for us unless I wanted to crumble into a full relapse...if I was going to make this I needed a purpose...somewhere to bring it...or else I would be a goner.  Fast forward to last week...One of my dear friends (or as I refer to her, one of my "breast friends"  you'll see why in a second) was preparing for major guessed it, breast surgery, and not the elective kind.  This friend is also super super tiny in need of a little more meat on her bones....she asked that if anyone wanted to visit her before/during/after the surgery to please bring a fattening snack....and then...that magic moment happened where the light bulb went off in my head...."I could make this cake and bring it to her!!!!" 

So last Sunday, Liv and I baked our cracke.  And to be honest I was a little disappointed...but ONLY bc of me...don't get me wrong, this cake was super...but it would have been extra-super-duper if I just followed directions!!!  As you can see in the recipe below, it clearly states "Bake for 40 to 50 minutes. Make sure not to over bake as the center should be a little gooey."  Well 40min came and the center of the cake was JIGGLY!!  Not anywhere close to being set....50min came and the same thing, maybe a little firmer but still very very very jiggly.  I should have just trusted the recipe and taken it out...but nooooo...I had to keep it in for a few more 10min intervals until the middle was still gooey but not resembling a bowl full of jelly.  Bad move.  Should have taken it out at the 45min mark.  If you decide to bake this, and really you me, trust the recipe...take it out between 40-50min.  You will thank me for making this mistake for you so you don't have to!


1 package devil's food cake mix
1 egg
8 tablespoons butter, melted
1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese, softened
1 cup Nutella
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
8 tablespoons butter, melted
1 (16 oz.) box powdered sugar

DirectionsPreheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine the cake mix, egg, and butter and mix well with an electric mixer. Pat the mixture into the bottom of a lightly greased 9x13 baking pan.  To make the filling: In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese and Nutella until smooth. Mix in the eggs, vanilla, and butter. Add the powdered sugar and mix until well combined. Spread the Nutella mixture over the cake batter.  Bake for 40 to 50 minutes. Make sure not to overbake as the center should be a little gooey.

Recipe and Photo taken from: Let's Dish

I did take a photo of this masterpeice, however, that photo is on my digital camera....with no laptop to upload it here's a photo from the blog lifted the recipe from-


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