Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lets start with the Bad news first...tonights dinner was a TOTAL and COMPLETE FLOP, but it was fun none the less was one of those night where I had high hopes for dinner...a good, somewhat fancy dinner...where everything just came together perfectly, I got dinner on the table, which had already been set by the kids, at a reasonable time....ian didn't scream at one or both of them, the food was delicious, the kids were well behaved, we had wonderful conversation....yeah, well take all that and play "opposite day" and that was our dinner tonight...not sure if it was the super awesome Cupcake Vineyard "Red Velvet" that made this disastrous dinner so much fun or what??  But in the end we all had a fun (not good) dinner so I guess that's all that mattered?  Many laughs were had, liv "wood-chucked" her angel hair pasta....Trevor ate all his spinach gnocchi in two bites....i forced myself to have a few bites of everything, in between sips of wine that is...and ian had three bites bc 'his stomach was upset" LOL.  After all was said and done there were pots/pans/utensils/plates all over the kitchen, spinach covering part of the kitchen floor...flour all over the kitchen and ME....but if I HAD to pick "flop or success" I would pick OVERWHELMING success bc we all laughed and joked and were happy when the night was done.  So I guess that goes to show that not all "good" dinners have to include "good food."  

I won't name recipes for this tonight's experience bc I'm sure they are/can be delicious...maybe all the rain we had today contributed to the overwhelming soggy-ness that plagued each part of tonight's meal??  Really who the heck cares bc we are all going to bed with smiles on our face.


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